Monday, November 28, 2022

Team Success versus Team Sabotage

Goal To double # of walking steps from 3001 to 6002 by end of this year

Started Walking 1, 478 Days ago or almost exactly 4 years ago

Days remaining to reach goal : 41

Current Daily Average for 2022 5782 Steps

Challenge I’m away from home which always makes it more difficult to keep my morning walking routine

Location Barrie, Ontario - Snow Capital of Ontario …haha…I don’t know that it is but both times I’ve been here there has been LOTS of snow! __________________________________________________________

Conversation between Thoughts from : Team Success, Team Sabotage (Including the Terrible Twins : Procrastination Pate And Perfectionist Prim) Max the Mind Manager, Body B.Liefs, and Muscle Memory Magik

Team Success A physical network of brain cell connections for positive healthy thoughts in the brain - the more there are the easier it becomes to make choices that will benefit your health or help you to achieve your goals

Team Sabotage A physical network of brain cell connections for negative repetitive thoughts in the brain - the more there are the easier it becomes to be derailed from making healthy choices

Terrible Twins

"Procrastination Pate" Always thinking of ways to make you put off actions till "later". Sometimes the ideas might be true but the ultimate goal is to sabotage you from meeting your goals.

"Perfectionist Prim" Continually thinking of how things "could be a bit better" or different.

(See Blog Post The Terrible Twins from Jan 14, 2011)

Mind Manager Max "Noticing" thoughts which assess the nature of the different thoughts flowing through the mind. They have the “super power” to “catch” thoughts in the Sabotage network and reroute them towards the Success network in order to Maximize Brain Potential!

Body B. Lief Thoughts related to the body - they might be true or not.

Muscle Memory Magik When Body starts moving on its own towards a habit with little thought. This can be good or bad. _______________________________________________________________________

When :Upon Awakening on Day 42 of walking at least 3,000 steps...63 days is the # for habit formation

Body B. Lief : Mmm…I feel so warm and comfortable in this bed

Team Success : It's morning! Time to walk soon !

Team Sabotage : Can you actually fit it in before church? I don’t think you have time - it’s going to be such a rush …

Mind Manager Max : Don’t forget I figured it all out last night and the time works. I can do this !

Body B.Leif : It feels good to stretch in the morning. Remember to roll over slowly because my left shoulder/back still hurts a bit.

Team Sabotage : What if the weather’s not great this morning?

“Procrastination Pate” You could always walk "later" in the day!

Mind Manager Max : Wait a second I know walking later never works - I say I’m going to and something always comes up!

Team Success : Very true . I know I can do this now. I just need to start moving.

Muscle Memory Magik : Hand moves towards phone ….

Mind Manager Max : That's not exactly what I meant! You know how the phone distracts you from your goals!

Team Success : You're right. Thanks for the reminder but I just need to check the temperature to be prepared.

Team Sabotage : What!! It’s minus 7 degrees! That’s the coldest day yet! You’ll be cold!

“Procrastination Pate” I keep trying to tell you - it will be warmer "later" …

Team Success :Remember the family motto - Theres no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing AND I bought a nice warm coat and have tights and a cozy under layer for this very reason - I’ll be fine!

Mind Manager Max : Now that’s better - Go Team Success!

Team Success : Better peak outside to see if it’s still snowing. Best be prepared.

Team Sabotage : It’s windy AND snowing besides being cold .

"Perfection Prim ”Maybe you should eat breakfast with your hosts instead . .. it’s sort of rude to just do your own thing while you're here.

Team Success : My host said they were leaving early anyways … besides this is important to me. It’s okay to keep my personal goals when I’m with others.

Body B. Liefs - Hmmm snuggling under these covers is so cozy …just a few more minutes will be okay. On second thought - nature calls...

Team Sabotage : Oh I don’t know…with the cold and snow and if you want to make it to church on time - I’m not sure there’s time to walk.

Mind Manager Max : We’ve already discussed this remember? I HAVE time AND remember I actually LIKE walking in the snow!!

Team Success :Ok Ok I know there’s enough time and it's true - it’s so pretty walking in the snow- let’s get going !

“Perfectionist Prim” But you were supposed to leave by 7:45 ...You won't get out the door till just after 8 …your late!

Team Success : True but even if I leave a bit later than originally planned I can just watch the time carefully and adjust it a bit if need be .. but getting “some” steps in the morning is better than none.


Body started moving - ON ITS OWN …free of a further discussion amongst Team Sabotage, Team Success and/or Mind Manager Max. No more conflicting thoughts ….just movement in the direction of the habit I’ve been trying to building for the last four years!

Muscle Memory Magik : starts to pull on tights , toque (yup toque went on early….haha!) warm under layer etc.

Team Sabotage (when close to being ready)

“Procrastination Pate” Are you really going to do this? You really don’t HAVE to do this you know? You could walk double tomorrow - it might be warmer… you could catch up "later"!

Team Success : Oh yes I’m going to do this - I’ve set goals and I’m going to meet them and it’s easier to ALWAYS get some steps in every morning even if it’s not the full 6,000

Body B. Liefs : I like the feeling of being snug and warm as layers go on - especially when it's cold outside.

Team Success : Not too much now. I know I get warm once I start walking!

Team Sabotage : Ya you’ll get all sweaty and then you’ll have to shower for sure - I don’t think you have time.

Mind Manager Max : I’m not listening to that last thought - I have the time!

Team Success : Yup I’ve already settled that - there’s time! For the walk AND the shower!

Body M. Memory : Climbs up the stairs towards the door and puts on coat, pulls on boots and feeling snug opens the door.Hmm I love the cool air and sun glistening off the freshly fallen snow.

Team Sabotage

“Prideful Princess” : Oh look at you now - all Proud as a Peacock! You think you’re so good.

Mind Manager Max : Nope sorry, looking after myself is not pride it’s discipline! Go Team Success !!

Team Success : Wow it’s so beautiful this morning - so worth the effort!

This my friends is how habit building works. Notice how Team Sabotage is written in third person. I’ve done this on purpose to help you recognize thoughts which work against you doing something positive are NOT really you - they are lies that have crept in deviously that take control and prevent you from making good choices to build a healthy habit or be your best self. Thanks to a growing network of positive thoughts in Team Success, an active Mind Manager “Max” and developing Muscle Memory Magik my walking habit is beginning to succeed even when there may be “reasons” or “excuses” to break my cold weather, snow or not being at home.

It took awhile for me to be walking 6,000 steps a day or close to 5 kms. Team Sabotage had way more "parts" in this daily play when I started. The more connections I build in my Team Success' network the easier it is becoming to go for my morning walk! Hooray! If I can do it - you can do it too!

Just take a few small steps everyday at the same time, Manage your Mind and before you know it you will ALSO be successful in building a healthy habit.